The Snappy Lunch was opened in 1923 by George Roberson and Deuce Hodge in the very location you now see. Shortly after opening Mr. Hodge was persuaded to sell his interest in The Snappy Lunch to Ben Edwards who later sold this same interest to Raymond Hemrick.
In 1960, Charles Dowell completed his transition to sole owner of The Snappy Lunch by purchasing Raymond Hemrick’s share of the diner. As the sole owner Charles had more freedom to develop his own recipes and try different combinations of seasonings.

Also during this time Charles Dowell began to perfect his unique creation, The World Famous Pork Chop Sandwich. This wonderfully messy sandwich, served in so many variety of ways, has become the trademark meal of choice for locals and visitors alike. It’s a must for any one visiting The Snappy Lunch for the first time. It is the only sandwich that may have you washing your hands AFTER you finish eating it.
Since the 1960’s The Snappy Lunch has been the subject of numerous news articles, television stories and national reviews. Celebrities are regularly fake rolex seen visiting The Snappy Lunch to have their picture taken with Charles, share in the ambiance of the busy diner and/or just to enjoy a “World Famous Pork Chop Sandwich” of their own.
Regardless of your reason for visiting The Snappy Lunch, we are glad you chose to visit and hope you will enjoy your time in Mt. Airy. Tell your friends and come back soon!